Dear Sectional Champion,
Congratulations on winning your District and Sectional Little League Tournaments and welcome to the Pennsylvania State Little League Tournament. District 14 and Newville Little League salutes you on your accomplishment and looks forward to hosting you this week.
The tournament will begin on Tuesday, July 23rd, 2024 and run through Monday, July 29th, 2024. Check-in and equipment check for teams will be held Tuesday, July 23rd, from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the Newville Little League Complex, 10 Little League Avenue, Newville, PA 17241. Please have all team equipment (including bats) available for inspection. There will be a mandatory meeting with tournament officials at 3:00 p.m. for all managers and coaches to discuss tournament procedures, practice and batting cage scheduling, and to answer any questions. The meeting will be held at the Newville American Legion Post 421 located next to the Newville Little League complex. Enter through the door closest the pavilion.
Newville Little League will be hosting a pre-tournament catered dinner and carnival on Tuesday, July 23rd at 5:00 pm at the Newville Little League complex. This dinner is mandatory for all players, managers and coaches. Guests are also invited to attend at a cost of $15.00 for adults and $12.00 for children ages 12 and under. Please bring chairs for seating. Teams will be recognized at this time. Carnival games will be located throughout the complex. Players will receive 5 free tickets for games. Additional tickets may be purchased the evening of the banquet and carnival for others interested in participating. Dunk an Umpire, games by the Pennsylvania State Police, games by Chic-Fil-A, and various other organizations will be offering carnival activities. This will be an evening to remember! Please submit as soon as possible dinner reservations. (NOTE: Umpires, Managers, Coaches and Players dinner tickets are FREE!)
IMPORTANT– If you have not completed your team registration please do so as soon as possible after winning your Section Tournament. We will need a team photo with your Sectional Championship banner, along with your players’ names and jersey numbers for the tournament program, as well as names of managers, coaches, league presidents and district administrators. You can register your team at the Team Registration page.
Please be sure to visit the rest of this site ( for more information regarding the schedule of events and information, practice schedules, etc.
Lodging for the teams is available at local hotels and you can find more information on the Where to Stay page.
Newville Little League complex is a tobacco and alcohol-free complex. PETS ARE NOT ALLOWED.
Bryan Henry
Tournament Director